Day after day, year after year, the impact of climate change is becoming a serious problem.

The primary sector, the most affected by this crisis, fighting to preserve the ecosystemt thanks to new sustainable agricultural practices.

The agricultural system has to face temperature rise, decreasing rainfall, the risk of drought and loss of biodiversity.The areas and workforce dedicated to agriculture in Europe are progressively decreasing and even more agricultural land is threatened by urbanisation.

Italy is no exception and is witnessing this evolution. And like other european countries is trying to  implementat the  sustainability goals in the new CAP and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

One of these aims to promote better soil and water management and improve carbon sequestration and conservation in agriculture. How? By reducing production costs, supporting all the ecosystems services and thus increasing economic sustainability.

In recent years, agro-climatic-environmental policies have focused on reviewing the management systems of agricultural production because of its environmental impact. Today, to better resond  to these challenges, the European Commission has launched the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy, which sets a target for 2030 of a 50% reduction in the use of plant protection products and a 20% reduction in the use of fertilisers to increase the fertility of soil that is increasingly poor in organic substance.

How can farmers respond to these challenges? What tools can use to help them achieve this goals? How can environmental conditions be improved, sustainable productivity increased, costs reduced with a focus on economic performance?

The new ABACO Farmer blog, a new space in which we will try to address the most important issues for the primary sector through the lens of technological innovation.